George William Palmer + Dorothea Gladwyn Wickham

Children  ‎(6 children)‎
Annie Palmer ‎(I0306)‎
Birth 1886 27 22
Death In Infancy
Minnie Palmer ‎(I0307)‎
Birth 1887 28 23
Death In Infancy
Harry Mark Palmer ‎(I0303)‎
Birth 1889 30 25 Totland Bay, Isle of Wight, England
Death 1943 ‎(Age 54)‎
George Palmer ‎(I1181)‎
Birth 1888 29 24
Death 1957 ‎(Age 69)‎ Wanganui, New Zealand.
Frederick Ralph Palmer ‎(I1183)‎
Birth 1891 32 27
Richard Hugh Palmer ‎(I1184)‎
Birth about 1888 29 24
Death 23 November 1916 ‎(Age 28)‎ Thursday. Killed in action

Parents Grandparents
George William Palmer ‎(I0297)‎
Birth 27 November 1858 44 34 Totland Isle of White. UK/England
Death 1934 ‎(Age 75)‎
George Palmer ‎(I0223)‎
Birth 24 November 1814 25 21
Death 29 July 1879 ‎(Age 64)‎
Annie Neasham ‎(I0295)‎
Birth 1824 24
Death April 1888 ‎(Age 64)‎ Greenwood, Durley, Hampshire, England.

Dorothea Gladwyn Wickham ‎(I0300)‎
Birth about 1864 30 27
Latham Wickham ‎(I1120)‎
Birth 16 August 1833
Death 3 September 1901 ‎(Age 68)‎ Newport, Pagnell
Harriet Dorothea Townsend ‎(I1129)‎
Birth 29 November 1836 24
Death 27 March 1878 ‎(Age 41)‎

Family Group Information   (F110)
Marriage 1885 Winchester

Source: free BDM

Marriage Twyford Parish Church

Reference Number M2758

Shared Note


Wickham Dorothea Gladwyn Winchester 2c 183 LindaCrouch
PALMER George William Winchester 2c 183 SheilaL
S. Free BDM

The below newspaper cutting was found in a picture album of Eleanor Penelope Palmer when we visited he in Southwold, Suffolk.

Twyford. - On Thursday the wedding of Mr. G. W. Palmer, of Greenwood, with Miss Dorothea Gladwyn Wickham, daughter of the Rev. L. Wickham, was celebrated at the Parish Church at 11.30. By the great kindness of the people of Twyford the church had been beautifully decorated with flowers for the occasion, and the road through the village was bright with flags and evergreens, The principal part of the service was performed by the Rev. T. V. Wickham ‎(Vicar of Rossett, Denbighshire, uncle of the bride)‎, assisted by the Rev. A. G. N. Lampen ‎(of Twyford School)‎, the Rev. R. Bristow ‎(Vicar of Twyford)‎, and the Rev. R. Ferguson ‎(Rector of Durley)‎. The bride was conducted to the altar by her father, and was accompanied by six bridesmaids: Miss S. H. L. Wickham ‎(her sister)‎. Miss M. Hughes ‎(her cousin)‎, Miss M. Hughes ‎(her cousin)‎, Miss Hudleston and Miss M. Hudleston ‎(nieces of the bridegroom)‎, Miss E. Morshead, and Miss L. Forest. The church and churchyard were crowded with friends and neighbours. After the ceremony, the wedding party returned to the house, where rather more than 100 sat down to breakfast. The bride and bridegroom started for Swanage about a quarter past three o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. Wickham then received a large party of friends to see the presents and play lawn tennis. The presents were very numerons, and among them must specially be noticed the beautiful gold watch presented by the inhabitants of Twyford, and the gifts from the Twyford Branch of the Hampshire Friendly Society and the village Cricket Club. It would be invidious to name more where so very much goodwill and kind feeling was shown towards Mr. and Mrs. Wickham as well as to the bride and bridegroom. On Friday, everyone in Twyford who could not be received on Thursday, was invited to tea at four o'clock. A very large number accepted the invitation.