Phillip Durning Holt + Phyllis Adela Palmer

Children  ‎(3 children)‎

Parents Grandparents
Phillip Durning Holt ‎(I0376)‎
Birth about 1886 23
Robert During Holt ‎(I0589)‎
Birth about 1863

Phyllis Adela Palmer ‎(I0356)‎
Birth 1888 34 30
Alfred Molyneux Palmer ‎(I0344)‎
Birth 3 June 1853 30 28
Death 1938 ‎(Age 84)‎
Ellen Edith Young ‎(I0352)‎
Birth about 1858 27

Family Group Information   (F135)
Marriage 19 November 1908 St. Peters Fourstones Newbrough Church, Northumberland

Source: Newspaper

Marriage could be 22nd Nov.

Vicar Rev. H Sutherby

Vicar Assistant. Rev. Dr. Westgarth

Vicar Assistant. Rev.J Walker.

Fact 1 1935
Marriage Ending Status Divorce
Reference Number M3079

Shared Note

Wedding At Fourstones.
Mr P. D. Holt and Miss P. A. Palmer.
A pretty wedding, which attracted a considerable
amount of interest, throughouy the,county Of North
umberland, was solemnised yesterday at St. Peter's
Church,In the picturesque South Tyne, village of
The contracting parties were Mr Phillip During
Holt, third son of Mr Richard Holt, of Ullet Road,
Sefton Park, Liverpool, and brother of the member
Of Parliament for the Hexham Division; and Miss
Phylis Adela Palmer, eldest daughter of Mr, and
Mrs. A. M. Palmer of Newbrough Lodge, Fourstones,
and gandaughter of the late Sir Charles Mark
Palmer, who for so many years represented Jarrow in
For this time of the year, excepionally fine weather
favoured the happy event. After a deluge of ra
overnight, the sun burst early through the ominous
clouds that obscured the horizon, and before midday
the sky was an expansive streatch of ethereal blue
Throughout the day, in fact, the sun shone, not with
much power, it is true, for the atmosphere was dis
tinctly "nippy," but with conspicuos brightness and
geniality, and, bathed as it was in this flood of light,
the coutryside, which hereabouts is noteworthy for
nothing so much at this season of the year as its
gloriously resepledent autumn tints, the whole scene
in its panorama of beauty and brightness, prsented as
admirable and incomparable setting to the day's happy
It a not a large place, Fourstones, and anything in
the way of a big display of rejoycing though the
customary medium of bunting, was neither attempted
nor desired. When Nature provided so luxuriant a
scene, anything artificial would have been sadly in
congruous, and would have spoiled the picture
undoubtedly. An inofensively artistic flag harmlessly
obtruded itself upon the landscape here and there
but that was all. The villagers were content to show
their rejoicing and good wishes by beaming faces
and lusty cheering. Than Miss Palmer no bride could
have had "good Luck" more sincerely and felicitously
The church was crowded, and the service was fully
choral, The organist Mr Butland, played Lefebure
Wely's Andante as the voluntary and the opening
hymn was "Gracious Spirit, Holy Ghost" the Psalmn
was "Blessed are they that fear the Lord," after
which followed the hymns "0 Perfect Love, and "Lead
me, Lord, lead me" The bride who was given away
by her father, was attired in a white satin
gown, embroidered with pearls her chief ornament
consisted of large and hansome pendant formed of
diamonds and topaz which belonged to Mr Holt`s
mother. She carried a bouquet Madona lillies,
She was attended by six bridesmaids, Miss Evaline
Palmer. Miss Watson, Miss Norah Dillon, Miss Holt,
Miss Gladys Palmer, and Miss Audrey Palmer, all of
whom were attired in Empire satin gowns with white
fichus and pale blue sashes. They wore black hats
with large feathers, and pearl and peridot brooches,
the gifts of the bridegroom. The bride's mother wore
a grey cloth gown, embroidered with silk and gold.
The best man was Mr. Lawrence Holt, younger brother
of the bridegroom, and the officiating clergy were the
Rev H Suttery, vicar of Warden, the Rev Dr F. W.
Westgarth, vicar of Nenthead;and the Rev. T. J.
Walker, curate of Newbrough. As,the bridal party
left the church the organist played Mendelssohns
'Wedding March" After the ceremony a reception
was held on the lawn at Newbrough Lodge, and later
in the day Mr, and Mrs. Holt left for London, en
route for Egypt
The Wedding presents, of which a large number
were recieved included:-Bridegroom to bride, dia
mond and topaz pendant; Mr A.M. Palmer, silver
mounted dressing case; Mrs A. M. Palmer, gold
chain and silver brush tray; Mr. and Mrs Godfrey
Palmer, liquer set; Mr. F. C. Palmer picture; Sir
George Palmer,cheque; Lady Palmer, diamond
tiara; Miss E. Palmer, silver blotter and note-paper
box; Mise Audrey Palmer, silver clothes brushes and
tray; Miss H. Palmer, ostrich feather fan; Miss
Palmer and Miss Huddleston,silver menue holders
Colnel Palmer, chippendale table; Mr and Mrs C.
Potter, antique curio table;
More presents listed, non from family.