226 Durham Palmer.-CLAUDE BOWES PALMER, J.P., Wardley Hall, Pelaw-on-Tyne; son of Sir Charles Mark Palmer, Bart., M.P.; born in London, March 29th, i868; educated at preparatory schools at East Sheen and Harrow, then Cheltenham College, and subsequently at Royal School of Mines, Freiberg, Saxony. Mining engineer Member of the Institute of Mining and Mechanical Engineers; Justice of the Peace for Durham, 1895,and a member of the Durham County Licensing Committee; member of Gateshead Board of Guardians, 1897-1903;member of Felling Urban District Council since 1896; member of Heworth School Board for some years; appointed Agent for John Bowes and Partners, Felling and Dunston Collieries,in 1895 ; is Mining Engineer for several estates in Scotland played Rugby football, being in the Cheltenham College Football XV. in i886, subsequently playing for Cardiff and Northern Football Clubs; takes an interest in sports, and is a prominent member of the St. John Ambulance Brigade, being a District Superintendent on the staff of No. VI; district; is an honorary member of the following friendly societies, viz., British United Order of Oddfellows, Shepherds and Druids, a lodge of the latter being named after him.Married, in 1896, Marian, youngest daughter of the late Edward Charlton Ramsey, of Cresswell House, South Shields.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- letter to Dr Palmer, (Penelope's father) From Lieut.-Colonel C. B. Palmer, C.B.E., Delmont Manor, Hawkhurst, Kent. Tel: Hawkhurst 2 Station: Hawkhurst, S.R. (3 Miles) 4th February 1930 Sear Dr Palmer, A little while ago I traveled from Newcastle to London with Dobson of Gosforth and he told me that he had been staying with a relative of mine near Tunbridge Wells but I did not take the address thinking that I would find you in the telephone directory but failed to do so when I wanted to write you. Today I was in farrers the watchmaker and was by mistake handed a watch that was not mine but I was interested to see our Palmer crest on it and then found who it belonged to you and got your address. As to who I am-I am the second surviving son of the late Sir Charles Mark Palmer and cannot place you although I ought. I have the whole Palmer pedegree, so I should be interested to hear from you. I have been living here for the past four years. I imagine you may be a son or grandson of one of my fathers brothers, but I did not know that there was a medical man in the family. Perhaps we might meet one day. Yours very truly. Claude B Palmer. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6th March 1948. My Dearest Penelope, I should like to give you, in conection with your forthcoming confirmation, a momento, and propose to give you a prayer book. This is a very special prayer book as it was the actual prayer book carried by my mother at her wedding 81 years ago and it is a very pretty book bound completely in real ivory and I need scarcely say that it is my most prized possession as it is the only thing that I have that belonged to my mother and were it not on account of my blindness and old age I would not now have parted with it, but I feel that you are the one female Palmer who would always prize it and hand it on to your descendants and perhaps you in turn might carry it at your wedding whenever that might be. Unfortunately the back binding requires repair and I tried yesterday in Windsor to get it undertaken but failed but I expect it will be sent over to Eton today to a proper binder and as soon as it is returned will forward it to you. If they cannot affect the repairs in Eaton I will see what can be done in London. I mention this so that you will understand that you do not get a the prayer book before confirmation you will know the reason. With all love, Yours affectionately, Uncle Claude
Palmer, C. B. 1909 Manager Felling Palmer, Claud B. 1896 Manager Dunston 1896 Manager Norwood Palmer, Claude B. 1908 Manager Felling 808 1st 1902 Manager Felling