Primrose Letter 4 Nov 2005 ‎(S12)‎
Author Primrose Minney
Title Primrose Letter 4 Nov 2005
Abbreviation Primrose letter 4 Nov, 2005
Media Type Letter
Last Change 6 May 2007 - 20:41:13 - by: minney
Text Lawford House End Nov 4, 2005

Dear Hugo
Thank you for forwarding the family tree under construction.
My father said his father's father was born in 1820 and left England to be a merchant in Hong Kong in 1840. He didn't say anything about Spain or Bedfordshire.
From their forenames this was apparently a Jewish family. Maybe at some point they came to Bedfordshire from Spain, via Flanders, which was a Spanish posession, and finding many Minneys in Beds, adopted that name.
To go back in history, Jews were banished from England after the massacre at York in 1190, and were invited back by Oliver Cromwell in 1660. Queen Isabella, the mother of Catharine of Aragon, threw Jews and Moors out of Spain in around 1492. Afterwards, until recent times the main Jewish cultural centre was Bagdad ‎(I mean it was multicultural)‎.
I remember my father mentioning Cyril Minny and Australia. One time when I wasn't here, I think about 3 years ago, John and Margaret Minny called and left their name and address. I haven't done anything about it, but I enclose it for you. I have something called Burke's World Book of Minneys. Surprisingly, there aren't any in Durham. The createst British concentration is in Northants, and for Australia, they haven't included any Minnys.
Looking at your family tree:-
Hetty was born April 15 or 16, 1916. Penny Chisholm was born Penny Rubinstein, ie. Hetty's first husband. She was born Jan 12, 1939
My mother was born August 11, 1898. Her youngest sister, Marjorie, was born Dec 1906.
She married Lawrence Wallace. Their daughter, Susan, is married to Ben Taylor. They have 3 sons, Robin, Will and John. Susan was born, in India, Feb 27, 1944, and came here as a baby.
I'll do more on my mother's family one of these days.
David Duke Cohen
Susan Taylor
Rachel Shirlay ‎(and nephew Roddy)‎
Yes, I had a nice news letter from Alison, saying how well Emma is doing.
Lots of love from Primrose.
PS Amakhoe Dawn was born 1995

Primrose Letter 4 Nov 2005

INDINameBirthAnniversaryPlaceChildrenDeathAnniversaryAgePlaceLast Change
1I282Fox, Edith Anne Mureille
Minney, Edith Anne Mureille
11 August 1898
126 2
4680Manningtree 6 May 2007 - 8:47:10pmFYESY100
2I428Minney, Joseph Reuben
Minney, Joseph Rubyn
20 December 1870
154Hong Kong 2
7282Unknown 29 August 2006 - 4:57:36amMYESY100
3I429Minney, Maurice
Minney, Moses
after 1895
130 1
6268London 30 July 2006 - 8:43:47pmMYESY100
Given Names

Total individuals : 3
Hidden : 3
Primrose Letter 4 Nov 2005

FAMINDINameHUSB:GIVNAgeINDINameWIFE:GIVNAgeMarriageAnniversaryPlaceChildrenLast ChangeMARRDEATTREE

Total families : 0
Hidden : 2
HUSB:GIVN Given Names
Primrose Letter 4 Nov 2005
OBJETitleIndividualsFamiliesSourcesLast Change
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